Please don't help me

The mirror effect: How to become superheros of help

We often seek to help others, offering advice, recommending books, and providing helpful sayings. However, we often don’t realize that in giving this advice, we are actually trying to help ourselves. This phenomenon is known as the “mirror effect” in psychology, referring to the tendency of people to project their own needs, desires, and fears onto others.

This website aims to explore different aspects of thinking and psychology focused on personal development. It’s important to note that the contents may contain errors, inaccuracies, language liberties or sensitive content. Therefore, it should not be considered as an academic text or a reliable source of knowledge, but as the personal expression of an individual whose engineering skills allow him to publish on the Internet his vision of the world.

Anecdotical evidence This is the first post of this project, an initiative that has been brewing in the mind of the author for some time. The idea is to share the lessons and learnings obtained through therapy and the search for a personal truth. A few years ago, the author experienced an event that he will call “the collapse.” It was just an ordinary day when a conversation with a friend revealed the limits of knowledge and the ability of oneself to arrive at “the truth.